Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Sierra Leone announces ‘Operation Clean Freetown’

An initiative designed to rid the Sierra Leonean capital Freetown of filth and dirt has been announced.
‘Operation Clean Freetown’ is the latest project under the President’s Recovery Priorities’ (PRP), the post-Ebola development initiative being funded by the UK government.
Under this project, the Freetown City Council and the Western Area Rural District Council will work alongside relevant government ministries to roll out several projects designed to encourage residents to clean their environment regularly. It also seeks to improve on the city’s waste management infrastructure and promote waste management entrepreneurship among the youths.
“Rubbish and waste in Freetown’s streets, waterways and gutters is polluting the city’s streets and contaminating its waters, leading to an increase in diseases such as malaria, typhoid and diarrhea,” the PRP, which is headed by the Chief of Staff at the office of President, said in a statement.
It said the initiative will be implemented in phases. The first phase will notably see waste collection points in the city and its environs increased to 77, and youths will be trained and equipped as door-to-door waste collection micro-enterprises.

Phase two will see the introduction of a compulsory subscription fee for all households for regular waste collection from the youths groups.
The final phase will see the introduction of bylaws and their enforcement on waste collection and management for inhabitants. There will also be an annual competition among the various wards that make up Freetown for cleanliness.
Rural-urban migration has made Freetown highly over populated, so that services like waste management have become near impossible to provide.
[First published on www.apanews.net]

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