Friday, January 1, 2016

Ebola in Sierra Leone: The inexcusable excuse

Alpha Kanu, Sierra Leone's Minister of Information and Communication

Sierra Leone's Minister of Information, Alpha Kanu, on Thursday attempted to counter established facts about the country`s weak health system which played a major role in the government’s failure to properly handled the 2014/15 Ebola epidemic.
Kanu told State Broadcaster SLBC’s breakfast show ‘The Podium’ that the health system wasn’t weak. He said it just wasn’t prepared to handle the Ebola virus disease.
This is in line with a now familiar excuse by the government which has always argued that Ebola was a 'new' disease, whatever that means, and that it had taken everyone by surprise. In effect when they say this, such officials expect that the poor and helpless masses should understand and accept the unacceptable impact of the epidemic on the people.