Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sierra Leone ends Ebola vaccine study

Sierra Leone has shut down its Ebola vaccine study over a year since it started, an official said on Monday.
Dr Mohammed Samai, the chief investigator in the joint trial that involved the United States Centers for Diseases Prevention and Control, said the trial hosted at the main Connaught Hospital in Freetown had enrolled nearly 9000 participants but that only about 8500 people were vaccinated.
The official did not say why the remaining people enrolled were not vaccinated, not did he give further details on the key findings.
He said apart from the normal vaccine related side effects, there were no serious side effects discovered as a result of the trial. Dr Samai also said the study had equipped the university so that it can handle any similar future situation. This is the first major joint study the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences has, a constituent of the University of Sierra Leone, has embarked on.
“In the near future, if we want to undertake any clinical trial, we know exactly where to start,” Dr Samai, who is also the Provost of the medical college, said.